5-Year-Service for Ethernet Switches and Network Components


HARTING’s 5-year service package provides you with additional protection beyond statutory warranty claims for HARTING Ethernet switches in the event of a product or workmanship defect.
HARTING Ethernet switches are optimally designed for scenarios in harsh industrial environments. High availability, network security and high reliability are the decisive technical characteristics necessary for the operation of an Ethernet network in industrial environments.

In order to provide even more protection beyond the time limits for statutory warranty claims, HARTING Ethernet switches can now also be purchased together with a 5-year service package. Plainly put, this means that within the first 5 years there will be no cost to you for repairs or replacement equipment in the event of a product or workmanship defect.

5-Year-Service for Ethernet Switches and Network Components
Conditions for 5-Year Service package and general repair conditions
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