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Value chains from the perspective of the customer

Our customers’ efficient and optimised systems require more and more specific components. With the Global Business Unit HARTING Customised Solutions (HCS), the HARTING Technology Group is responding to this growing demand with individual solutions. The accumulated expertise of the various divisions is the foundation for this. Individual solutions are implemented based on standard components, which can be optimally incorporated into the customer's system – from cable assemblies to complex integrated systems.

Various aspects are also important for HCS: local, fast procurement and independence from possible crises and conflicts such as the coronavirus pandemic, political upheavals or limited transport capabilities. Social responsibility within the context of climate protection also plays a key role for the business unit. 

Standardised workplaces laid the foundation for the establishment of line production in the HCS plants – on a modular basis and freely scalable. In addition, regional know-how centres were put in place on each continent, in which solutions are developed together with customers and competencies are bundled.

Complementing the value chain

Proximity to customers has ranked as a central feature at HARTING Customized Solutions for the past four years and has resulted in greater independence from transport routes, means of transport or container bottlenecks. At the same time, the business unit is making vital contributions to climate protection by reducing logistics expenses.

Wherever it is possible and desired, the motto is: “With the customer, for the customer”. This means that HCS can produce directly in the customer's production hall if required. This strategy enables the HARTING division to tailor solutions to the respective markets and to think in terms of local solutions and also helps to prevent overengineering. Consequently, to a certain extent, the value-added chain has been reversed: initially there was only one sales unit on site. This was then followed by a local adapted unit, before finally giving way to the establishment of local production facility including local sourcing (see also article T. Bake). In this manner, we enrich the value chain of our customers' products by complementing them from a position of close proximity. 

Get in touch
Christian Schumacher
Managing Director, HARTING Customised Solutions GmbH & Co. KG