HARTING in Switzerland
The HARTING Technology Group, headquartered in Germany, is represented around the world with 14 production sites and 44 sales companies. In Biel/Bienne and Volketswil, HARTING maintains a production/expertise centre for surface coating and MID technology. HARTING also has independent sales organizations for customers and partners in Switzerland and beyond.
HARTING Connectivity & Networks
HARTING Connectivity & Networks is the largest division in the HARTING Technology Group. Their products and solutions includes connectors, device connectivity, network components, assembled system cables and Auto ID solutions.
The HARTING AG sales company in Volketswil Switzerland employs 20 people, including 4 product managers and 4 sales engineers.
Hofwiesenstrasse 4a
CH-8604 Volketswil, Switzerland
Telephone: 044 908 20 60
Fax: 044 908 20 69
Made in Switzerland for HARTING customers around the globe
HARTING currently employs about 120 people in the Surface Coating, Mitronics and Connector Manufacturing divisions at our bilingual production site in Biel/Bienne.
In the field of surface coating (for bulk materials), HARTING AG in Biel is the centre of expertise for the HARTING Technology Group. For MID/Mitronics, we offer customer-specific plastic bodies with conductor path functionality – these provide hybrid structural electronic solutions for the automotive, medical, sensor and other industries. In our fully automated facility for producing connectors, we manufacture more than 2,700 different articles.