Noticias de Aplicación: La interfaz de bus InduCom9 para aplicaciones MVB

The new areas of MVB applications also increase demands made on the corresponding interface

The InduCom9 D-Sub housing, which has been specified for MVB, also has a PCB integrated in the housing that holds electronic components configured specifically for TCN (Train Communication Network). Solder bridges allow the choice of the most varied functions of the bus system used. In order to perform special measurement tasks during the installation of the bus system all that has to be done is to cut the solder bridge for controlling the measurement capacitors and the terminating resistors. This housing allows implementation of bus wiring systems in a T-functionality that do not interrupt the bus when a module fails or the connection is cut.

The cables are connected using the smallest cage clamp terminals currently on the market. This connection method, which is accepted in railway engineering, offers particularly low sensitivity to vibration. It is accepted as an adjunct to the widely used crimping method, and is preferred for new projects because of the time savings during installation.

The demands for miniaturization of control systems are met with extremely high packing densities of several housings next to each other and below each other. The standard division dimension of the D-Sub was exceeded by only a few tenths of a millimeter, allowing dense rows of InduCom9 housings. This optimal packing density allows installation in modules with a division dimension of 3 DU (15.24 mm).