Boletín de noticias sobre tecnología le resume las novedades y tecnologías más destacadas del Grupo Tecnológico HARTING. Esta publicación ofrece a sus lectores inspiración, orientación y asistencia para que puedan tomar mejores decisiones. presenta las extraordinarias tecnologías de HARTING que han dado lugar a soluciones y productos concretos para aplicaciones específicas. Este boletín subraya nuestra visión estratégica ofreciendo un panorama de la actualidad y lanzando una mirada visionaria hacia el futuro.
Disfrute de nuestra revista tecnológica como plataforma de comunicación digital:
Póngase directamente en contacto con nosotros y transmítanos su opinión sobre nuestras soluciones, aplicaciones o visiones estratégicas.
Todos los temas en un PDF descargable: - Elektrisiert mich!
Energie überall, vernetzt, on demand: die Chancen der All Electric Society
Es ist nicht die Zeit der Unverbindlichkeit, denn Unverbindlichkeit führt zu endlosen Diskussionen. Und dadurch verlieren wir Zeit. Zeit, die im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes notwendig ist.
Die All Electric Society ist für mich ein Zukunftsbild, das in sich schlüssig ist. Eine weitreichende Vernetzung mit konvergenten Datenplattformen macht die Energieströme transparent und managebar und die Energie an sich ist regenerativ erzeugt. Das AESKonzept ist schlüssig und natürlich gibt es auch Bereiche, die mit der Elektrifizierung sich noch schwertun, und es gibt Brücken-Technologien in Bereichen, wo es nicht anders geht. Aber Alles in Allem stimmt mich die AES optimistisch, weil wir so jetzt mit Elan und Leidenschaft die Zukunft aktiv gestalten können.
tec.News 45 - Let's leave smaller footprints
Follow us on the path to reduce corporate- and product-carbon-emissions
In this issue, we’d like to take you on a journey from a sustainability perspective across the entire life cycle of our products:What do the Product Carbon Footprint and the Corporate Carbon Footprint look like at HARTING? How does sustainability influence the processes on our markets and how do we influence sustainability throughout these markets with our processes?
tec.News - Twin-Win-Situation
Fast wins for more data transparency
In this issue of our HARTING, we will be exploring the concept of the “digital twin”. To give it a general definition, a digital twin is a digital representation of a physical object. The term “twin” refers to a digital model that is virtually identical to its real counterpart at all times.
tec.News - RENEWROPE
About the power of renewable energies in Centrral Europe.
With our current issue, we have now reached the end of the journey of our trilogy. After paying a visit to the USA and China on our previous stations, the focus is now on "Central Europe" as a geographical region and as a driver for renewable energy, sustainability, and peaceful change through transformation.
tec.News - Where tomorrow grows
How China pushes for progress.
“Growth, Go-Green and Innovation”, this is what the 2nd edition of the HARTING world tour Trilogy is all about. Together with you, we will explore the world of connectivity in this vibrant and fascinating country: China.
tec.News - Discover new possibilities
About the spirit of innovation.
The United States is seizing the opportunity to reaffirm its position as one of the world’s leading technological global power in the future. And we, as the HARTING Technology Group, have played an active part in this community for 35 years.
We will be taking a closer look at what is happening in the USA and at the trends and innovations that are shaping and driving social and industrial developments. - Time to answer the call
Future technologies - the next generation
The focus of this issue is on the future-oriented topics of “Transportation” and “Industrial Communication” which in turn derive from the megatrends we have previously looked at. They form a common thread running through the newly designed sections of our magazine: We start with a strategic editorial before handing over to our guest authors who will address these issues under the banner of “Future Trends” and shed their own particular light on them. - Future Technology
Connectivity is what counts.
The future needs connectivity: Even seemingly wireless future technologies like 5G are not possible without connectivity. This is why we are constantly rethinking and redeveloping connectors, thus creating a strong connection between today and tomorrow. - Transformación Industrial
Cómo sigue reinventándose la industria.
La transformación industrial en curso está afectando directamente al desarrollo de conectores, y aquí también podemos aprovechar nuestros amplios conoci-mientos prácticos con el fin de estar preparados para el futuro. - Es el momento de establacer nuevos estándrares
Forjar el futuro con nuevos estándares
Esta era de la Industria Integrada está viendo la transición del sector industrial hacia estándares abiertos. Estos permiten que otros participen y al mismo tiempo se apoyen mutuamente colaborando entre sí.