HARTING's Guide to Industrial Connectors

Learn the difference between Modular and Monobloc connectors

Guide to Industrial Connectors Hero Image - Modular vs Monobloc Whitepaper

Modular Connector

Modularisation is the use of a multipurpose connector that can simultaneously provide multiple sources of connectivity. Data, power, signal and pneumatic can be provided in one housing due to the ability of combining various modules to create a unique interface.

HARTING's Guide to Industrial Connectors: Modular or Monobloc Whitepaper - Han Eco Modular

Han-Eco® Modular Connector

HARTING's Guide to Industrial Connectors: Modular or Monobloc Whitepaper - Image 2

Han-Eco® Monobloc Connector

Monobloc Connector

A monobloc is a single purpose connector that provides only one source of connectivity such as power or signal. Because of this, the monobloc is able to provide a high density of contacts under one housing and enables interfaces and systems to be standardised.

Modular or monobloc?

Download our comprehensive e-book to:

Learn about the modular and monobloc system.
Useful technical information you need to consider when designing your solution.
Make an informed decision on the type of connector you need for your application.