Han® 1A
Space-saving industrial connectors for railway vehicles
Thanks to the flexibility of its modular inserts, the Han® 1A can be used for a wide variety of applications (IP20/IP65) such as door systems, lighting, headlights and many more.
In order to save energy and optimally use the installation space available, rail vehicle designers are looking for miniaturised solutions. Electrical interfaces can also contribute to the development by becoming smaller and more efficient.
With the Han® 1A, HARTING presents a new, small as well as powerful interface that clearly undercuts the dimensions of the smallest rectangular industrial connector so far, the Han® 3A.
The new Benjamin of the Han® family has a modular design and uses black plastic hoods and housings with differently coloured codings. The product developers have taken into account the customers’ needs for tight inventories: the number of modules or components has been kept as low as possible.
According to relevant railway standards
The railway standards require a data transmission that is undisturbed even in environments with heavy loads. With regard to connectors, this means that the transmission of data and signals must be protected effectively against electrical and magnetic interference. The Han® 1A is particularly suitable for such applications, because it provides insulation bodies that have a double chamber for inserting a shielding plate side-by-side with Han® D contacts and a PE. The maximum level for power and signals that can be transferred under the shielding is 10 A / 400 V.
Adapters as well as contact inserts for M12, D-coded, and M12, X-coded, are also available. They enable a data transmission in the rail vehicle, which is shielded against interference. The first solution guarantees an undisturbed data transmission according to Cat. 5, the second is in accordance with Cat. 6A.
Due to the modularity and the many different uses, the Han® 1A is applicable wherever small drives, sensors and devices need to be supplied. In the field train vehicle engineering this implies e.g. the supply of door drives and entry systems, lighting, headlights, loudspeakers, screens, scoreboards, warning and alarm lights, pushbuttons, wipers or signal generators.
Your benefits at a glance:
- Uses up to 30% less space compared to Han® 3A: Compact connector for railway applications according to EN 45545-2, R22-24, HL1-3, IEC 61373- Cat. 2
- Highly versatile: Modular system of inserts and accessories suitable for a wide variety of applications (IP20 / IP65) such as door systems, lighting, headlights, loudspeakers, screens, scoreboards, warning and alarm lights, pushbuttons, wipers or signal generators
- Flexible in use: Transmits data, signals and power with up to twelve contacts
- Less time required for installation: Fast connection using Snap-in technology – no screws required
- Minimum inventory needed: Clearly structured connector system based on a few basic components
- Reduced costs: Affordable installation connectors